Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gratitude List #4

It's not Thursday, but tomorrow I will have no time so I decided to get this done today. Valentines Day was yesterday, and it wasn't a great day. It started off weird and ended pretty yucky. Every year I make a big deal about "Single's awareness day". However, this year someone brought  to my attention that I wasn't really single, but I am not in a relationship (if that makes any sense, if you want to talk about it, just ask me). Anyways, it ended with me defiantly being single. It was through text message, which made it even worse. Great way to end this bizarre day (cue sarcasm)! I wanted to write my gratitude list today to put me in a better mood. Here it is:

1. The Valentines Card A made for me. I love getting drawings and cards from her, this one was particularly cute!

2. ZUMBA! This week I get to go to two classes (one monday and one tomorrow, hopefully all goes well and I get to go). Monday's class was so much fun dancing with my three friends (Sam, Karen and Fleming). I also am finally starting to get some moves down. On top of that I learned the teachers name, Veronika:)

3.Sunday Organization Day. To be completely honest this was a lonely/stressful day in bed figuring out everything, coming up next semester and getting work done for the week. However, I feel so on top of things now!

4. Monday night talking with Sandy. Recently we have discussed how to deal with not "hating" myself so much. I discovered that I do a lot of that during the Crew season, something to work on (Crew starts Monday).

5. Watching movies with Kirsten, while in our own beds with heating pads on. We have been fortunate to have a couple of lazy afternoons (or maybe we just avoided work), to cozy up with our heating pads a watch movies.

6. Kirsten's first EMT shift tonight. Kirsten worked all of January taking an EMT class. She is now working on the state practical (in March) and written exam (after May). In the mean time she has joined MERT and is a first responder. She has her first shift tonight, which she is beyond excited about! I love to see her excited about things (that sounds very motherish, but still the truth). She is going to be an amazing EMT, at least I think so:)

7. Lunch with Megan on Friday. This was a great way to end my week and am looking forward to our lunch this Friday. 

8. My dad's inspirational words about this blog (shout out dad). He seems to be reading it, and staying updated on my life (which is cute). He emails me telling me how proud of me:) 

9. Core Fusion Cardio Tuesday. This is more then just popping in the DVD and doing it. There is a whole tradition, which will be ending when crew starts. The tradition includes: waking up early and grabbing some cereal, going back to my room, snuggling up in bed and eating  breakfast in bed (with my heating pad) all while enjoying the guilty pleasure of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Since crew is starting Monday, won't be able to do it any longer :(  Maybe it will become a Sunday tradition?! who knows!

10. This quote, which I found on blog. I LOVE IT!
"I don't wake up and run to give me that extra boost of energy. I don't spend hours at the gym to relieve stress. And I didn't start taking yoga classes to spend even more time with my friends. The truth? I want to look good naked. Doesn't everybody?" *nike

This list, ended up putting me in a great mood! 

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