Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thank You #77

To Hallie, Flem, Karen and Sam. As many of you know I had a really sucky week, and have been not my normal self. That all changed today after dinner with Deanna, Hattie, Cara, Carol and Nancy (Hattie's roommate) and then seeing Kirsten (who was at home this weekend). Dinner was full of laughs and funny stories! After dinner, Kirsten and I went out to Goberry with her sister Margaret, which was yummy and fun. Then Kirsten and I went to Veronika's house, and had a great time chatting, and meeting Veronika's husband Mark, who is AWESOME. I thought the night couldn't get any better, until I got back to the room and there was three bars of chocolate and the sweetest note. It means so much to me that Hallie, Flem, Karen and Sam went out of their way and thought of me! What an awesome surprise. I am so grateful to have them in my life. Hoping that today was a sign of a good week ahead (knock on wood). 
Way to much chocolate for my own good!

Rose and Thorn:
Rose- Dinner with Carol, Cara, Hattie, Deanna and Nancy. I haven't laughed so hard in a while! And hanging out with Veronika and Mark. They are awesome! Hey, that's two roses! 
Thorn- Kirsten is in a weird mood. I think she is mad at me... feeling really guilty for being so happy:(

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