Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thank You #245

To Buddy. Today I had to put Buddy down. The hardest I think I will ever have to do. I will never forget the moment when we were waiting and he went from yelping because he was nervous, to silence. Usually the yelping annoys my dad and I, but in Buddy's last moments it didn't bother us at all. When the yelping stopped and his eyes began to close I knew his life was coming to an end. I started to cry so hard as his eyes shut. When they were completely closed, the Vet checked his heart and it had stopped. She then picked him up and took him away. He looked so weak and lost all life. I can't believe something so precious to me was taken away so suddenly.
He was more then just a dog to me, he was my confidant. He was the only thing that remained stable when my parents got divorced. I love him so much and know that this feeling of loss will get easier as time passes, but now it is so painful.

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