Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thank You #84

To Doug. Doug is our bus driver, who drives us to practice every day! He also drives us to all of our regattas. At races, he takes tons of photos. This past weekend we had two regattas, and he drove us back and forth to Worcester.

Our view of the races 

Doug in his prime

Rose and Thorn 
Rose- Talking with Erin (one of our coaches) as the races were happening. She always has great sarcastic side comments. She also is in love with Lulu Lemon, maybe not to the extent I am, but still likes Lulu Lemon a lot.
Thorn- It was hard not racing today. I'm not going to lie and say, "I was a perky land warrior". I missed being able to row :( But, not racing, wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Mood makeover, 7 days to happiness
Day 1 (Sunday)- Fake it. Tried to smile as much as I could, instead of having a pout on my face. It hurt to smile after a bit.

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