Friday, December 20, 2013

Meeting DANI!

Ok so I haven't been too great with writing about my weightloss progress and the Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 day challenge. BUT I haven't stopped! In fact I completed the JM ripped in 30 challenge and am starting a new challenge. Oh and I have lost 5 lbs on Weight Watchers. There are ups and downs, and it is a slow progress, but thats OK!

When I finalized my plans for winter break in Boston, I knew I wanted to meet Dani (the brains behind Weight Off My Shoulders). I found her blog in October and she was one of my major inspirations to start Weight Watchers. We figured out a place and time to meet! I have been lucky to meet some pretty amazing bloggers in the past. These are people I have never met before, but through reading their blogs I feel like we are old friends. They are all inspirations to me. Meeting them is pretty incredible, it's like meeting a celebrity, but a friend at the same time (if that makes any sense).
Dori from Dori Shiny Blog. This was pretty special for many reasons. She was the first blog I ever started reading and also the first blogger I got to meet!

One of my Dailymile moms Brooklyn Runner Chick

Boston LUNA CHIX team which includes many bloggers including Double D Athlete, and Kissing Frogs

J from Kissing Frogs

There were more we just didn't get a  photo up! 

Meeting Dani was no different. The other bloggers have inspired me to start running in some way or another. Dani has inspired me to tackle the other 70% of weight loss and something I have struggled with all of my life… FOOD! Maybe you remember the post where I got all serious? Well, then in early November I joined Weight Watchers! This Holiday season I don't need any gifts, I am giving myself the best gift possible, my health. Dani is such an inspiration. I was uber excited from the moment I woke up this morning. I got to Downtown crossing a little early (did I mention I was excited?). I walked around Macys… Ummm holy craziness… ADD MIND MOMENT. I went into Dunkin and there she was. We greeted each other with a big hug. After ordering my drink (iced tea, don't get too excited) we headed out on a walk. Within the first 5 minutes we were deep into conversation, revealing things I usually don't even tell my friends. We walked. Oh did we walk.. ALL OVER BOSTON! Time flew by. The conversation just kept going, and could have gone on forever. Dani is a Weight Watcher leader and is full of so much amazing advice. I learned a lot during this walk. Dani and I have much in common, for example we are both emotional eaters, we bury our deep wounds in food. Right now I am just beginning of my weight loss journey, Dani has lost the weight and has maintained (and continues to maintain, which is the hardest part). She reminded me of something I know in the back of my head but saying it out loud just made it so much more true; just because you lose the weight, those wounds and the feelings and emotions they bring with them to the surface don't disappear.

Here is what is so special about meeting blog friends for the first time. It is a combination of getting to learn all about them, but at the same time it feels like you are being reunited with a friend you have known for years (again does this make sense). Thank you Dani for being such an inspiration and for the wonderful two hours I got to spend with you today! Cheers!

Photo credit to @irisheyes1982 (aka Dani) 

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