Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Last First Day of Classes

Well today was my last first day of classes of my undergraduate career. WHAT THE WHAT?! Last night I had a dream that seemed pretty appropriate considering the circumstances. In the dream I was back in first grade and it was the first day of classes. All the students who were in my class then were there. Except we were all 21 year olds, but being treated like first graders. It was bizarre. But it kind of all makes sense? Right?
Here we are. Can you find me? Hint: I was a fairy.

So how did my first day go? Not well. It started off great! I went to the daycare and worked with my little ones who always make me smile. Then I went to my only class, and forgot a pen. YUP! Even after 3 1/2 years, I seem to lack being prepared (which is weird since I usually am). During that class I was fading in and out thinking about today and thinking about the future. I have a lot of emotions about this being the beginning of the end (ok that might sound a little dramatic) and what I am going to be doing after college. I am just feeling very blah and sad about all of this. I went back to my room and had a rough conversation with my father which put me in an even more horrible and down on myself kind of mood.  Hopefully a busy tomorrow will take my mind off of it. Then Thursday I get to work with the kiddos again. And then Friday I'm off to NYC! OH YEAH BABY! .I will of course give you all a recap and a little bit more about this "spontaneous" getaway. In the meantime, I am off to bed (but first packing a pen for tomorrow).

How do you deal with endings? I have a hard time. How do you cope with them?

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